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My name is Piggy March. I am an international event rider based in Maidwell, Northamptonshire, in the UK.
I have represented Team GB at multiple World and European Championships as well as winning the two most prestigious events in our sport: Badminton 2019 and Burghley 2022 with Vanir Kamira.
An incredible journey

When I was a little girl growing up, I used to buy lots of books about famous riders and horses. I loved them and found them fascinating. Never did I think I would be writing one about a horse I rode, until now! Vanir Kamira is unique in so many ways, and her story is definitely one I would love to share with you all. She is a normal little mare with quirks and difficulties that everyone can relate to. But not everyone can relate to winning the two biggest five-stars in the world. Her journey is incredible and she has given me the best days of my life. She totally won my heart and, in reading this, I hope she wins over yours.

Vanir Kamira: An incredible journey is available for sale now.
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